Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Negros Occidental holds Liga ng mga Barangay elections

The Liga ng mga Barangay at the municipal and city levels in Negros Occidental are set to elect a new set of officers Monday, July 16.

In the province, a total of 540 barangay chairmen in the 31 local government units will converge in their respective localities to vote for their officers.

Those who will be elected as president will sit as ex-officio member of their respective City and Municipal Councils.

The winners will also be voting for the president of the Provincial League which will be on July 30 and will sit as ex-officio member of the Provincial Board.

At the Provincial Level, incumbent League president Annabelle Bermudo of La Carlota City is expected to be challenged by Jovie Pepillo of Barangay 9 in Victorias City.

In a related development, Murcia incumbent Association of Barangay Captains president Antonio Luis Gonzaga filed a written complaint to Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)-Negros Occidental director Carmelo Orbista on the alleged intervention of some political forces in the town to allegedly spoil, discredit and violate their ABC electoral process to pursue their self-interests.

Gonzaga said that the alleged political forces are planning to coerce the punong barangay voters to show their votes, assign people around the voting area to guard the votes, intimidate and threat punong barangays during the Election Day Monday, July 16.

Gonzaga did not mention the name of politicians.

(Reposted from SunStar Bacolod. Original title: League to hold elections today. Photo credit: Panay News.)

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