Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bangsamoro Holds Barangay Community Development Orientation

In line with the full speed implementation of the Community Development in Conflict-affected Areas in Mindanao (CD-CAAM) extension phase, a barangay-wide orientation was recently conducted on August 5, 2015 at Barangay Balut, Sultan Mastura, Maguindanao facilitated by Bangsamoro Development Agency-Central Mindanao (BDA-CeMin) Region.

The barangay-wide orientation aimed to guide the community stakeholders of the barangay particularly the beneficiaries of this project, on the implementation of fish pond project in their community.

The participants of this activity were composed of representatives from local government units (LGU) of Sultan Mastura and Brgy. Balut; Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) organized groups such as the Political Committee (PolCom) for Maguindanao Province, Social Welfare Committee, and Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF), and Municipal Catalyst of BDA-CenMin in this town.

During the orientation, the project staff emphasized, “this barangay-wide orientation also includes selection of thirty (30) direct beneficiaries of the project but it does not mean that those who will not be selected is restricted to avail, particularly, of the knowledge on managing this project (Tilapia culture) because they can also join the class along with the duration of the training”.

As an important counter part of the community, representatives from different sectors expressed their commitment of support for the implementation of the project.
A representative from the Barangay LGU said, “we will do all we can in order to support the project so it will be successfully implemented”.

BDA CenMin Regional Manager (RM) Hashim B. Manticayan in response to the commitment of support expressed by different sectors also expressed commitment of supports, “we in the BDA are also committed to implement the project in the best possible form”.

“Likewise, we are expressing our thanks and gratitude to the representatives from different sectors for their commitment of support”, RM Manticayan added.

He further said: “BDA is a show window of the MILF governance and the success of this project with our unified support represent our readiness and capacity to run the Bangsamoro Government”.

CenMin is among the regions of BDA where CD-CAAM Project is being implemented for its extension phase that kicked off in May this year.

The region is also part of the pilot implementation of the project together with Ranaw Region.

CD-CAAM is implemented by BDA with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in partnership with ICNet Limited as service provider.