Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Barangay Assembly, What is it For?

Twice a year during the months of March and October, the law requires that a gathering of citizens led by barangay officials be held in every barangay throughout the country.

Under the Local Government Code, barangay assembly members shall consist of persons who are residing in a barangay for at least six months, aged 15 years and above and Filipino citizens.

The conduct of the assembly is supposed to start with the delivery by the Punong Barangay of the State of Barangay Address or SOBA to report on the accomplishments of the barangay leadership for the second half of 2015; give updates on ongoing projects and programs; present financial reports including the monthly collections and disbursements as well as the barangay’s income and expenditure statements.

Other financial matters to be discussed are the barangay budget and the annual procurement plan.

For this year, to be given priority are the discussions on how the barangay can revitalize its campaign against drug abuse, the required registration of Kasambahays by employers, priority projects to be funded by the Barangay Bottom-up Budgeting or BBuB and the involvement of church-based organizations in monitoring projects and programs.  

Other issues or concerns affecting the barangay shall also be discussed such as disaster preparedness and solid waste management.  Barangay council members or kagawads who chair committees may report and give updates on their programs or projects being implemented in the barangay.

To draw bigger participation among residents, activities such as medical missions, cultural presentations or even tiangges may be held near or within the assembly area.  

To create awareness for the barangay assembly, posters and banners may be posted in highly visible areas such as the barangay hall, plaza, transport terminals, sari-sari stores, public market or talipapa. (Philippine Information Agency).