Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bill seeks to make barangay officials regular gov't employees

By Jelly Musico

With the proposal to shift the form of government to federalism now underway, Malacañang is optimistic that a bill seeking to make barangay officials regular government employees will be passed into law.

“We expect that it will be passed into law because it is important that we should push federalism and we recognize the importance of the local governments,” Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said in an interview over dzRH radio.

He said the proposed House Bill 7393 or Magna Carta for Barangay recognizes the important role of the barangay officials.

“So this is in recognition of the role of the barangay officials as very important. Let us recognize them as full time employees of the government,” Roque said.

Roque believes that if the proposed shift of government to federalism will be approved, barangay officials will eventually become regular government employees.

“In fact, if the federalism will be passed, for sure, the barangay officials will become government employees,”

The Consultative Committee (ConCom) tasked to review the 1987 Constitution recently submitted the draft of federal constitution to President Rodrigo Duterte.

Under the House bill, Roque said barangay officials will be entitled to salaries, allowances, insurance, health and retirement benefits.

At present, they only receive honoraria based on their barangay’s income.

The country has over 42,000 barangays.

Reposted from PTV News. Original title: Palace backs bill making barangay officials regular gov't employees. Photo credit:

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