Saturday, March 2, 2024

Cagayan de Oro City barangay bags Most Child Friendly Barangay award

Barangay Kauswagan in Cagayan De oro City crowned Most Child-Friendly Barangay

In a recent ceremony held at the picturesque Chali Beach Resort and Conference Center in the city, Barangay Kauswagan was given the highest recognition as the Most Child-Friendly Barangay among the city's 80 barangays.

The award gave importance to the relentless efforts of the barangay in promoting child welfare, proving the importance of community-driven initiatives in nurturing and protecting the well-being of children.

Taking home the prestigious title of the Most Child-Friendly Barangay, along with a cash prize of P120,000, a trophy, and a seal, Kauswagan's story is a testament to what communities can achieve when they prioritize the well-being of their youngest members.

To the organizers of the Pasundayag and Oro Kasanag Awards, this highest award and achievement underscored the importance of nurturing future generations of children. Barangay Kauswagan emerged as the beacon of hope and commitment towards child welfare in Cagayan de Oro. 

Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders Today 

Barangay Kauswagan's journey to the pinnacle of child-friendliness wasn't an overnight success. It was the culmination of years of dedicated efforts in creating a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment for their children. 

Its initiatives span various critical areas of child welfare and development including adolescent health, nutrition, child-friendly facilities, and leadership. It's this holistic approach that not only clinched them the top honor but also special awards for their remarkable contributions to adolescent health and nutrition. 

In the ceremony other child-friendly barangays such as Barangays Canitoan and Cugman placed as runners-up, with Canitoan additionally being recognized for their 'Outstanding Adolescent Health Facility'. This clearly shows a growing trend among communities to give importance on comprehensive child welfare programs.

Reinforcing Child Rights and Protection

Making it through 24 other qualified barangays competing for the highest award is not an easy task, reflecting the common desire llective drive towards reinforcing child rights and protection. Barangay Patag received accolades for its 'Outstanding Innovation in Addressing Learners At-Risk of Dropping Out', showcasing innovative approaches to keep children in school. 

Meanwhile, Barangay Balulang was commended for its 'Exemplary Work in Maintaining Records and Registry of Children in Conflict with the Law', an essential aspect of child protection. These awards gave emphasis to the many efforts needed to create environments where children can thrive, free from the barriers that impede their growth and development.

A Decade of Advocacy and Achievements

This event marked the 10th  year of the Search for the Most Child-Friendly Barangay, a testament to Cagayan de Oro's firm commitment to being a child-friendly city. The decade-long journey has seen various barangays implementing and innovating programs that safeguard and promote children's rights. It's a movement that has grown in strength and scope, influencing communities to evaluate and enhance their practices towards child welfare. The ceremony is not just a recognition of the achievers but a celebration of the collective efforts and the shared vision of nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

As the 40,239 people of Barangay Kauswagan takes pride in the honor given by the award , the journey doesn't end here. The accolades serve as a reminder of the work that lies ahead in sustaining and building upon these efforts. 

For the residents of Kauswagan and the other participating barangays, the awards are a symbol of hope and a call to action. They symbolize the possibility of change when communities come and work together to prioritize the welfare of their children to ensure a brighter future for them.  (Source:  BNN)