Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Maasin City Barangay Information Officers attend writing workshop

Designated information officers in their respective barangays gathered on Nov. 15 for a communicators writeshop/training under the E-Power Mo campaign of the Department of Energy (DOE).

The city has 70 barangays, and each barangay sent a kagawad or the punong barangay himself to be the barangay information officer (BIO), while some personnel for city offices were also present to represent their heads.

Invited speakers were from the Southern Leyte Electric Cooperative (SOLECO) who were tapped in behalf of the DOE.

In the morning, several topics were thoroughly discussed by the SOLECO personnel, including power-saving tips, know your cooperative, and patronage credit, among others, while some technical matters were also raised during the open forum.

BIOs then went on a writeshop in the afternoon, so they can practice writing news stories about developments that happened in their barangays, or from the topics Soleco personnel earlier discussed.

This was the second gathering of information officers of the city, the first was last month, in which they were taught on writing a one-sentence news lead.

This time they were taught basic tips other than lead sentence or paragraph, such as the support lead, details, and backgrounder, to complete a five or six-sentence news story, in a one sentence, one paragraph format.  (Marcelo M. Pedalino)

Source of news and photo: Philippine Information Agency. 

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