Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dinagat Islands Barangay Information Officers given capability training

The Provincial Information Office of Dinagat Islands strengthened the capability of its Barangay Information Officers (BIOs) through the conduct of orientation and capability seminar on September 11-24, 2018 in the seven municipalities of the province.

The orientation and capability seminar purposely aimed to have direct access and linkages with the barangay community and enable BIOs to act as reporters via radio or cable TV news, provided that they can comply with requirements duly set by the local government unit of the province.
During the said activity, the BIOs were oriented on disseminating information about how to be prepared in times of calamities and disasters such as floods, earthquake, fire, storm surge, tsunami, typhoon and landslide, mobile photography and how to avail the services of PUSO (Public Utility Services Outreach) program of the province.
The BIOs were also given a flashdrive, compact disc, tarpaulin and brochures that include the Early Warning System videos for them to be prepared in times of disasters and calamities.
The activity was participated by MIOs (Municipal Information Officers); BIOs (Barangay Information Officers); and the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers (MDRRMOs) from the towns of Loreto, Tubajon, Libjo, Basilisa, Cagdianao and Dinagat. (PIO-Dinagat Islands)

Source of news:Philippine Information Agency  Photo credit: Dinagat Islands Capitol Bldg., RMN Networks. 

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