Sunday, September 23, 2018

New barangay officials in 5 Antique towns completed orientation

The orientation of newly-elected barangay officials is now completed in five municipalities of Antique, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) reported.

Cherryl P. Tacda, DILG-Antique director, said in an interview on Friday, that the three-day program began in different venues in the province last Sept. 15. These are the towns of Barbaza, Laua-an, Sibalom, Culasi, and Tobias Fornier.

She said the participants were organized in batches and composed of 100 to 120 barangay officials, including their secretaries and treasurers.

The DILG targets to finish the orientation by October or November in the province’s 18 municipalities.

She said the activity is very important for barangay officials as it orients them how to come up with their own internal rules and procedures, to reorganize and make functional the different councils and committees, such as the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council, how to appropriate their budget, and to activate their advocacies and information gathering.

The output, she said, is also the plans and programs for the first 100 days of the barangay captain and other officials.

The barangay officials, who assumed their posts last June 30, are expected to report their accomplishments for the first 100 days during the synchronized barangay assembly on October 14.
She said she is expecting a 100-percent participation of the province’s 590 barangays in the assembly.
Tacda said they have already informed the newly elected barangay officials to prepare for the assembly after receiving Memorandum Circular (MC) 2018-151 for the conduct of the assembly this second semester of 2018.

“We hope all the barangays in the province would participate in this synchronized activity nationwide,” Tacda said, adding that barangay assembly is held twice a year.

“We also encourage the constituents to take time to participate because it would be an opportunity for them to hear the plans, ongoing projects, and even the financial statement of the barangay,” she added.

Meanwhile, if it is not really feasible for the barangays to join the synchronized assembly, they can have it after a day or two.

Source of news:  Philippine News AgencyPhoto Credit: Annabele Petinglay

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